Document Type : Scientific Research


Researcher, author, translator, editor-in-chief of the Dictionary of Children and Adolescents


Pharmacology and compiling large and small books in this field in Iran dates back to pre-Islamic times, especially Jundishapur, which was still active until about three centuries after Islam. Prior to Islam, and especially in the Islamic era, numerous monographs on simple and compound drugs were written by doctors and pharmacists of Jundishapuri and their students. This legacy, as described in books and articles on the history of medicine, soon became one of the most prominent areas of the scientific endeavor of famous physicians and pharmacists of the Islamic era such as Abu Mansour Heravi, Ibn Rabban Tabari, Mohammad Ibn Zakaria Razi, Abu Ali Sina, and Seyyed Ismail Jorjani. As the result, important works appeared in this branch of knowledge, which are the subject of this article.
